Frequently Asked Questions

Below, you'll find a list of frequently asked questions that cover many common inquiries about our services. We hope these will help you find the information you need about how we handle data privacy negotiations and more. If your question isn't addressed here, or if you need further clarification, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. We're here to assist you with any additional queries you might have. You can contact us at

What is a Data Privacy Agreement (DPA), and why is it important for LEAs?

A Data Privacy Agreement (DPA) is a legally binding document between an educational institution and a service provider that outlines the terms and conditions under which student data is handled, ensuring compliance with federal, state, and local privacy laws. For Local Education Agencies (LEAs), a DPA is crucial as it guarantees that the technology vendors they engage with are committed to safeguarding student data. This not only helps in complying with legal requirements but also builds trust within the educational community that student information is protected.

How can LEAs ensure that the apps they use comply with student data privacy laws?

Local Education Agencies (LEAs) can ensure that the apps they use comply with student data privacy laws by requiring that all technology providers sign a Data Privacy Agreement (DPA) that aligns with these laws before any app is used in educational settings. LEAs should conduct regular audits of the apps in use to confirm compliance, and leverage platforms like StudentDPA, which streamline and document the compliance process. This proactive approach helps maintain a secure digital environment conducive to learning.

What should an LEA do if an app they wish to use does not have a signed DPA?

LEAs should reach out to the app provider to initiate the process of signing a Data Privacy Agreement through StudentDPA. If the vendor is hesitant or refuses to sign, LEAs should consider alternative compliant applications that ensure student data protection.

How does StudentDPA facilitate the DPA process for LEAs?

StudentDPA provides a centralized platform where LEAs can easily request, manage, and track Data Privacy Agreements. The platform simplifies the negotiation and signing process, ensures compliance with relevant laws, and maintains a record of all agreements for easy access and monitoring.

What steps should an LEA follow to request a DPA through StudentDPA?

Log into the StudentDPA platform.
Select the app requiring a DPA.
Submit a DPA request to the vendor.
Monitor the status and engage in any necessary negotiations.
Review and approve the finalized DPA.

How can LEAs track the status of DPA negotiations?

LEAs can track the status of DPA negotiations directly through the StudentDPA platform, which offers real-time updates on each step of the process, from initial request to final approval.

What happens if a vendor refuses to sign a DPA?

If a vendor refuses to sign a DPA, StudentDPA will notify the LEA, which should then consider suspending the use of the app to protect student data and comply with privacy regulations.

How are LEAs notified about DPA renewals and expirations?

LEAs receive automated notifications and reminders via email through the StudentDPA platform well in advance of DPA renewals and expirations, ensuring continuous compliance.

Who should LEAs contact if they have issues or questions about the DPA process?

LEAs should contact StudentDPA support at for any issues or questions related to DPA processes, platform navigation, or compliance concerns.

What should an LEA do if they discover an app is collecting more data than stated in the DPA?

LEAs should immediately report the discrepancy to StudentDPA and cease using the app until the issue is resolved. This ensures compliance with data privacy laws and protects student information.

I quit using an app, how do I do a disposition of data request to a vendor?

LEAs should formally request data disposition from the vendor via StudentDPA, specifying the requirement for complete data deletion or anonymization as per the terms of the DPA.

Where do I find your W9 to enter into our financial system?

The W9 form can be downloaded from the 'Documents' section of the StudentDPA platform or requested directly from our support team at

How does your Chromebook Extension work?

The StudentDPA Chromebook Extension works as a monitoring tool that helps ensure that only compliant apps are used on Chromebooks within educational settings. It does not collect PII but ensures that any app installed complies with the DPAs on file.

Why should I use the Chromebook Extension?

Using the Chromebook Extension helps maintain compliance with student data privacy laws automatically and ensures that all apps used in your educational setting adhere to the agreed DPAs.

Is involving teachers necessary or recommended?

Involving teachers in understanding and implementing data privacy policies is recommended as they are often the primary users of educational apps. Training and involving teachers can help prevent breaches and ensure a culture of data protection within the school.

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